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Benefits of Meditation for Health and Wellbeing

MeditatorIn this article, I will explain what meditation is, some of the main benefits to health and wellbeing and then take you through a simple breath meditation to get you started.
What is meditation? The term meditation originally referred to eastern spiritual practices and equates with the word dhyana in Buddhism and Yoga, which means contemplation. In contemporary usage, it covers diverse ways of changing the consciousness, focusing the mind to go beyond the thinking mind and entering a state of deep relaxation.

Meditation has many benefits that can assist us to live happy, productive and fulfilling lives. Stress is almost a modern epidemic, which most of us have been effected by at some time. Meditation induces the relaxation response, which is the opposite of the ‘fight and flight' or stress response and so is an effective antidote to stress. The relaxation response, decreases oxygen consumption and the respiratory rate, reduces heart rate and blood pressure (in persons with high blood pressure) decreases body metabolism, lessens muscle tension and increases alpha, theta and delta brainwaves which are synonymous with a deep state of relaxation.
Some other benefits of meditation are:
* Studies have shown that meditators are 5-12 years biologically younger than their age.
* Long term meditators have been found to have 50% less doctors' visits, 50% less hospitalisations and a lower incidence of illness
* Insomnia sufferers have found up to 75% improvement with regular meditation
* Reduces anxiety, stress and depression
* Muscular tension is reduced which can assist with chronic pain and tension headaches.
*Imune system functioning is enhanced
* Lessens PMT symptoms
* Reduces use of prescription drugs
* Reduces use of alcohol and other substances
* Helpful in weight loss and smoking reduction programs
Meditation is also relatively simple to learn and takes only 15 to 20 minutes daily to practice and begin to make a significant difference in many areas of your life.
There are local classes in most areas and a wide range of approaches to suit different people's needs. Guided meditation cd's can be a useful tool to get started. Brain entrainment programs that increase alpha, theta and delta brainwaves are also an effective aid to meditation. However, all you really need is a quiet place, where you will not be disturbed. A regular practice time and special place for practice can assist in moving more quickly into meditation. Comfortable clothing is also recommended.

Choosing A Daily Meditation Practice
In the United States and other Western countries most of the information available about meditation comes to us through books, CD's, classes, seminars and workshops, all of which can be helpful for some people. When our understanding of any spiritual knowledge is based on this type of learning, rather than from personal experience with master teachers, misconceptions are almost certain to arise. The ultimate truth of meditation and its potential value lies within you.
The same common questions come up again and again when we talk to beginners about beginning a daily meditation practice. What does it mean to meditate? Why do we meditate? How much time is considered sufficient for daily meditation? These are all very understandable questions.
Why meditate? The health benefits alone are well worth the time you will invest. In the west we are inundated with stress. Along with our fast paced lives we are subject to a multitude of stress related health conditions ranging from obesity and cancer to heart disease. One of the best antidotes for this state of affairs is a daily meditation practice. But there are other benefits to taking the time to slow down and making some space for inner reflection.
A stressed out state of mind is not a creative state. When we are stressed our field of vision narrows, hearing becomes selective, and our vocabulary shrinks. We are much more likely to make bad choices on all levels: with diet and exercise, with relationships, with drugs and alcohol). On the other hand, when we are emotionally balanced and stable, we activate the creative side of our brains and are not only able to approach life with a much wider range of options, we are also more likely to choose options that are healthy and wise.
What does it mean to meditate? True meditation actually comes in many forms. It may fit our stereotypical image of a lone monk sitting under a tree, but long distance runners also reach meditative states, as does anyone with a hobby that leads them to spend quiet hours alone. The key to whether or not a practice can be thought of as a meditation is whether it takes the practitioner inward to a place of empty stillness, or does it simply allow them to escape from facing themselves?
True peace and happiness are found in a solitary place: in ourselves. We reach and reach but never fully grasp. We have pain; we have pasts; we have grief and resentment. At times we are even self-righteous in our pain, and that's ok. It's all part of the human condition. Meditation is used as a tool to shift your perception on YOUR world. You are the director and you have a choice on what the camera views. So why not try to use a tool that has been practiced for thousands of years and is essential in other cultures?
You will know what type of meditation to exercise, how long to meditate and how to process and stay focused in your practice. Another misconception is that it is solely a religious tool. While yoga was created by individual religious groups to become better connected with their spiritual leader. But whether it is used in a monastic setting or outwardly like the Hindu or Buddhist it is based on the same united principle, to improve your relationship with YOUR spirit.
Establishing a daily meditation practice takes discipline, taking that time of stillness will give you clarity and improve your life in a multitude of ways.
A simple meditation practice is to focus on the breath. Sit comfortably with your spine straight, on a chair, cushion or meditation stool. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and feel yourself start to relax. Bring your attention to your breath, allowing it to flow naturally and freely. Breathing through your nose is preferable, unless your nose is blocked. Become aware of your ingoing and outgoing breath, as it enters and leaves your nostrils. Focus on the sensations as your breath touches your skin and moves in and out of your body. Whenever your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to your breath. I suggest starting with 10 minutes practice and gradually increasing to 20 minutes practice daily.
May your meditation bring you peace and wellbeing.

Inflatable Meditation Cushion and Travel Pillow Keeps the Body and Mind at Ease
Mobile Meditator™ was invented by Scott Salzman, president of BrightSpot Solutions®. As a daily meditator and avid whitewater rafting and back country guide, Mr. Salzman recognized the need for a portable meditation cushion and travel pillow.
“When traveling for work and to retreats, I needed a meditation cushion to carry with me that didn’t take up a lot of space or weigh down my gear.” Mr. Salzman said. He solved both problems by creating a meditation cushion that was comfortable, light weight, and easily compactable.
Whether on the go, or looking for everyday comfort at home, office, or in the car, Mobile Meditator™ allows the sitter to be relaxed, balanced, and with perfect posture. The crescent-shape design assists the body in maintaining a forward slant, taking the pressure off the knees, back, and ankles. For traveling, the pillow quickly deflates and fits into a small 9” x 9” x 2” pouch, weighing under 13 ounces.
Mobile Meditator™ is perfect for daily use. Because of the adjustable three-chamber design, users of the inflatable meditation cushion often adopt the Mobile Meditator™ as their regular everyday pillow, putting their traditional cushion into retirement
The Mobile Meditator™ Inflatable Meditation Cushion and travel pillow is mindfully designed to be comfortable and portable.
#Ergonomically designed for comfort  # Lightweight for travel
#Compact - carry anywhere # Fully adjustable to your preference
Price : $29.95

1 comment:

  1. Health is really very important for every one. This is good explain about the Health and Wellbeing.

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