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Plants Based Diet No Different Than Animals Diet?

veggieSome folk say, that if you eat plants based diet is also as cruel  as eating animals because plants is living being and have a feeling. I guess to answer this kind a concept of thinking maybe we should answer it with right and wrong.
But there is a huge different between eat plants based diet or vegan than eat animal based diet. For example like some one who go to visit slaughterhouse and some one
who go to visit vegetables market. The one who visit slaughterhouse maybe experienced feeling of fear, shock, sad and feel unpleasant in that place. And have a nightmare afterward , after seeing the animals be in torture,abuse and kill in the slaughterhouse place. And for the ones who visit vegetables market they may experienced joy and happyness because the colorfull of different kind of fresh fruits and vegetables that pleasant in their eyes and its fragrant  smell that invite them to come near.

Eating Animals Diet


So we can see that, there is different between killing animals for food than eating plants based diet in physiology speacking. Although , eating plants based diet is also  kind a killing too but it is wrong to say that eating plants based is same as eating animals based diet.  And why is that so!” eating animals is totally different than eating plants.”  “In general speacking,” it is because animals are more or least have a human quality inside them and they are so near to us. Every living being that can move, walk,crawl on the ground, fly in the air and swim in the water have a strong desire wanting to live and not wanting to be kill.
So, if we kill and eat them we will commit a killing action involve in it and guilty feeling in to our being, and it’s against our principle to not wanting to be kill and against universal law “If We Kill We Will Get Kill “ maybe in onather form of killing. For example like; war,natural disaster,any kind form of disease that related to meat eating, etc.
And all our planetary problems that we are facing right now have a relation to meat consumption direct or indirect. Like global warming issue that most talked about it in our daily life. According to scientists,that! producing and consuming meat had contributing the most heat trap gas in to ours atmosphere. So if we still producing and consuming meat and than ours planet will continue to heat up . The more heat, the more disatrous will come toward ours planet and if we still continue like this we will meet global extinction in no time.
And did you know? The number one killer in the world right now is not  come from war or accidents. It’s come from diseases that link to meat consumption according to World Health Organization.

Diseases that link to meat consumption
  • Heart Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Colon Cancer
  • Blue Tongue Disease
  • E Coli
  • Salmonella
  • Bird Flu
  • Mad Cow Disease
  • Pig’s Disease (PMWS)
  • Listeriosis (most deadly, and on the rise)
  • Shellfsh Poisoning
  • Pre-eclampsia (complications in pregnancy)
  • Most viruses have zoonotic origin
and more…

Health Cost of Meat Consumption

Heart Disease: 1 trillion (US $/year)
Diabetes: 174 billion (US $/year)
United States
Colon Caner: 6.5 billion (US $/year)
Obesity: 93 billion (US $/year)
Total: 120-150 billion (US $/year)
So be aware to ours  food choises,  because what we eat is going to  effect us in the future bad or good.

Eating Plants Based Diet

vegetablesAll thing that inhabit in this planet is consider a living being , like human, animal, plant ,rock,  mountain, water, air, etc , including the planet its self is a giant living being.  Yes! They  all are living and alive. So not to mention plants along is a living being and have a feeling and when we eat them then we will kill them.
But the thing that make different  for all  beings that inhabit in this planet  is just their level  consciousness to live, so some have  least consciousness and some others have a strong consciousness . Indeed, when we choose to eat plants based diet is also a kiling in some others form.  But that is only ours choice food for ours body in order to continue to live.
So, as we have eat in order to servive,  we choose food which has the least consciousness and suffers the least. Plants consist of 90% water, thus their level of consciousness is so low that it hardly feels any suffering. Furthermore, when we eat many vegetables we don’t cut their roots, but rather we help their asexual reproduction by cutting branches and leaves. The end  result can actually be beneficial to the plant. Therefore, horticulturists say that pruning vegetation helps them grow large and beautifull.
This is even more evident with fruit. When fruit ripens, it will attract people to eat it by its fragrant smell, beautifull color and delicious taste. It is in this way that fruit trees can achieve their purpose of propagating their seed over a wide area. If we do not pick and eat them, the fruit will become overripe and will fall to the ground to rot. Its seed will be shaded from sunlight by the tree above them and will die. So, eating plants based is a natural tendency, which brings to them no suffering at all.

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